Divorce for High-Asset Couples
Many wealthy couples in Texas devise a prenuptial agreement to manage their assets and set forth rights and expectations for future asset division upon divorce. Absent a valid premarital or postnuptial agreement, upon divorce, the parties’ community property must be divided in a manner that is just and right. An in-depth analysis of the parties’ community and separate property is necessary when significant assets are involved.
Family lawyer Terry Hart can provide assistance in developing a detailed inventory of the parties’ marital estate in a contested divorce case involving high net worth clients. These individuals frequently have complex property division issues involving:
- IRAs, pension plans and other retirement accounts
- Mutual funds, stocks and investment portfolios
- Income derived from rental properties
- Business interests and liabilities
- Employment executive packages
When appropriate, attorney Hart utilizes other financial experts to analyze community and separate property characterization, trace commingled assets, locate hidden assets, and obtain valuations of business property, investments and other assets.
Contested divorce litigation can be emotionally distressing and can cost more than an amicable or uncontested divorce. Much can be at stake, and it may be worth the time and effort to carefully analyze the composition of the marital estate such that assets can be appropriately characterized, valued and divided.
For sophisticated legal representation from a seasoned Houston divorce litigation attorney: Contact Terry Hart to discuss your legal questions. Call us at 713-581-1773 or 877-576-7390. Se habla español.