Custody Agreements When Parents Live Far Apart
In today’s world, people are more mobile than ever before. Many individuals choose to relocate to other states or foreign countries for employment reasons, family commitments or a change of lifestyle. When minor children are involved, one parent’s decision to move can quickly give rise to heated custody and visitation disputes.
Based in Houston, Terry L. Hart, Attorney at Law, helps parents modify and enforce their child custody and visitation arrangements to protect parent-child bonds.
Solving Complicated Issues When A Parent Moves Out of State
When parents live in different states, or when one parent relocates outside of Texas, complicated jurisdictional issues may arise. Attorney Terry Hart is well-versed in the complexities of interstate child custody jurisdiction.
Texas follows the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA). Under the UCCJEA, Texas court orders must be respected in other states and Texas courts must respect other states’ child custody and visitation orders.
If your child was brought to Texas by his or her other parent, in violation of another state’s custody order, you can seek enforcement of your state’s order in Texas courts. In addition, if you have Texas custody and visitation orders that are being violated in another state, you can enforce your Texas custody order in that state.
A Lawyer with Knowledge of International Custody Laws
An increasing number of individuals have ties to or choose to move between countries. When international child custody issues arise, it is important to hire an experienced attorney who is knowledgeable in state, national and international law. Terry L. Hart, Attorney at Law, often represents parties in cases which present unique issues arising from the citizenship, immigration status, nationalities and international ties of his clients.
Talk to A Lawyer Today to Learn More About Your Rights
Contact Terry L. Hart, Attorney at Law, at 713-581-1773 or 877-576-7390.