Money can be a sensitive subject. Even when one makes a comfortable amount of money, knowing that this amount will be decreased due to a court order can evoke some negative emotions. When it comes to child support, the goal is to ensure that the financial needs of a child are met. However, some parents in Texas find themselves fighting over child support, disagreeing on what this amount should cover.
While this might seem like a straightforward process, having a noncustodial parent paying a certain percentage of his or her income, unfortunately, that amount may not arrive at a fair amount, especially when a child requires more costs unique to them. Childcare for a young child, medical care and the need for specialists can all create more costs when compared to an older child.
It is important to note that there are grey areas when it comes to arriving at a fair child support amount. Whether child support is paid each paycheck or a set amount or percentage each month, one needs to consider. When looking at the matter from a very simplistic point of view, it costs roughly $233,000 to raise a child to the age of 18. This amounts to about $12,900 a year. This comes to around $1,000 a months, and when divided between parents, child support should be at least $500 a month.
However, child support is rarely calculated like this or arrives to this amount. This is because the child support system is often based on breadwinner dads assuming more financial responsibilities. Thus, child support is calculated first by the amount of time the non-custodial parent spends with their children, and then child support is based on a percentage based on the time the children are not with that parent. This often leads to child support payments that either does not meet the financial needs of the child or far exceeds them.
There is no perfect way to determine child support; however, if a parent believes that the amount currently ordered is not sufficient or is in excess, it is important to understand one’s rights when it comes to altering the order. The main goal should not be to just arrive at a fair amount but rather focus on the best interests of the children.