Facing a threat to your parental rights? You can fight back

On Behalf of | Mar 3, 2019 | Uncategorized

As a Texas parent facing divorce or dealing with post-divorce transitions, nothing is more important than protecting your children and the relationship you have with them. Even with a clear visitation and parenting time order, it is not always easy to work with the other parent and make a custody plan work. Due to hard feelings, anger, grief or disappointment over the divorce terms, the other parent may attempt to threaten your parental rights.

Parenting time interference happens when one parent deliberately interferes with the other parent’s relationship with his or her children. It can take many forms, but you do not have to stand for it. If you are dealing with this type of treatment and you believe your parental rights are at risk, you can take steps to preserve your custody rights and protect the role you have in the life of your child. 

What is indirect interference?

Indirect interference happens when the other parent does things that may be more subtle that could damage the relationship you have with your children. This includes refusing to allow your child to call you when you are not with them or not telling you about important events, such as a sports game or school play. 

Another example of indirect interference is the other parent talking negatively about you in front of or to the children. This can harm the way they think about you and cause a rift in your relationship.

What is direct interference?

Direct interference is when the other parent does blatant things to directly interfere with your relationship with your child and visitation schedule. This can include things like refusing to return your child after weekend visitation, taking the child without permission, trying to move with the child without permission and more. 

Your rights as a parent 

Both types of parental interference are unacceptable. While talking with the other parent and finding a way to resolve differences may help, it might not be enough. You may find it beneficial to learn more about your parental rights and how you can protect your relationship with your children.

Children benefit when allowed to have a strong relationship with both parents after divorce. Fighting for your rightful parenting time and visitation is not only good for you, it is good for your child as well. If interference is causing you frustration, an experienced child custody attorney can help you understand how to move forward with an enforcement action or other option.

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